Sunday 10 May 2015

How Crowdfunding Websites Work?

Have you ever thought of starting up a project? Are you short of money or you just have an idea without money and investment? Or you may want to raise money for a charity or any noble cause close to your heart? Then you need to give a look at the best crowdfunding sites in the world that is

Now what actually is Crowdfunding and how can it help you raise the much needed funding?

Immediate exposure to the vast potential worldwide online audience makes Crowdfunding a more popular solution for quickly raising funds for an idea, a cause or a project in the form of monetary contributions or donations. Here you must have a solid idea to implement and a right sort of presentation for the investors about your idea.

Now how can you Raise Funds for your idea, charity, venture or project and how you should proceed with the best crowdfunding websites? There are various websites which have their own way of working and own way to raise money for a cause and for any project that is workable.

Here is a simple method you can follow to raise money on crowdfunding websites such as

1.  Account Creation: You have to create an account on the crowdfunding website. These accounts are usually free but some charge you after your project is approved for raising money. Registration is free on It is worth also noting that this has the lowest percentage commission on the market.

2.  Submitting the Project or Cause: After registration, you need to submit the details of the project for which you want to raise money. The project can be any workable profitable project or a cause for a non-profit organization. Communication and positive perception is key to your successful application. Therefore, your presentations material should be very appealing and professional in order to raise interest among the audience so they can back your cause/idea. Understandably, for security reasons, this phase triggers a vetting process. For instance, will engage a serious vetting process to prevent fraudulent causes, etc.

3.  Raising money for the project: Again, communication is key throughout this phase. One cannot just start collecting the money and disappear. One needs to come up with personal imaginative ways to show your appreciation for your backers such as recording sincerely looking and original “Thank you” messages, etc. for instance have an army of ethical users who are interested to see the outcome of their donations on the ground. Hence the importance of close one-to-one follow up with every single backer.

After all these process when your project is able to raise enough money then the raised money is delivered to the project holder to complete the project. It may happen that there will be a specified time interval to complete the project. One more thing can happen that the website through which you are raising money may charge you from the donation you have raised. The charge may vary from 3 to 12.5% of the raised money.

How you can present your project to the investors?

For this you need to do your part of research on your project and explain the project importance thoroughly. You must be passionate about your project and the passion must reflect through your presentation. You must present the value of your project in such a way that it should affect and helpful for maximum people.

This is the way how crowdfunding websites such as work and how you can maximize your donations.

1 comment:

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